Initial information flows
Members send their reports concerning loss events (EV), according to a predetermined record layout, as well as the exposure indicators (EI) to the Dipoweb platform on a bi-annual basis. The initial information flows consist of the same number of records as the EVs generating an Effective Gross Loss of at least 5,000 euros with respect to an individual entity and having a date of occurrence, or, should this date be unknown, a date of discovery, after 31 December 2002.
Personalized feedback, made
available on Dipoweb, substantially concerns the same data contained in
the records received by DIPO: each record describes a single loss
event. After verifications have been performed, the data is processed
by the Technical Secretariat, so as to enrich the feedback provided
with parameters such as MUT (Mean Under Threshold - 90th percentile),
peer groups and their legal category. Obviously, special attention is
made to ensure that all steps are taken to guarantee confidentiality of
The feedback file concerning a specific report also contains, besides
the new updated records concerning the period, previous feedback, which
has been recalculated by taking into account updated information,
modifications and deletions reported in the interim by members.
The following types of feedback are envisaged:
a) Feedback on events with respect to individual entities (FEE):
This flow contains detailed information concerning loss events reported
to DIPO by all members. Apart from the data on losses
regarding the last reporting period, it also contains information on
all the events reported in the previous semesters and takes into
account the updates/modifications received from members up to the date
the data is processed. The FEE flow also contains the records
concerning the deletion of events not meeting the threshold. Each
member will find the fields “Group Code” and
“Reporting Entity” highlighted only with respect to the
events it has reported, while such information will not be available
with respect to those regarding other members.
Categories of fields contained in the feedback (FEE):
♦ Record type (entry, updates, deletions, modifications)
♦ Continuous event
♦ Event Type - level 1
♦ Event Type - level 2
♦ State of the event
♦ Geographical macro-area
♦ Date of occurrence/discovery of the event
♦ Effective Gross Loss
♦ Provisioning component
♦ Data on insurance collection and other
♦ Information for Data Scaling and Filtering
♦ Systemic events
b) Feedback on events at the group level (FEG): This flow
contains detailed information regarding all the events reported to the
Technical Secretariat by DIPO members and it is different from the FEE
as the events reported by the various reporting entities are included
in a single group event. Moreover, the EGL field is net of inter-group
collections. As FEE, FEG not only contains data on losses regarding the
last reporting period, but also information on all the events reported
in the previous semesters also taking into account the
updates/modifications received from members up to the date the data is
processed. Each member will find the fields “Group Code”
and “Reporting Entity” highlighted only with respect to the
events it has reported, while such information will not be available
with respect to those regarding other members.
c) Flows containing MUTs calculated per entity (ME): This
flow contains detailed information regarding MUTs calculated per entity
belonging to members by event period, business line and event type.
Actually, while for what concerns FEG the two pieces of necessary
information for data scaling purposes are contained in the file itself,
it was not possible to include all the MUTs of the various entities
belonging to a member in FEG. This problem was resolved by creating the
ME flow.
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